Well it's been a pretty dire start to the new year for me, had/Flu/Covid or both now for 3 weeks.
Not dug a signal hole this year yet
Way behind on all projects , no energy to do anything.
I did finish my first Video , it's the Introduction video and drags on for 32 minutes, it needed a few tweaks but i got fed up in the end and it will be uploaded on YouTube tonight at midnight.
Not 100% happy with it but we'll see how it goes
It's taken me ages to do as i have had to learn as i go along and the simplest of things can take a couple of days to sort out, the future Video's will be a lot easier, as i have format to follow now, the video is just an intro to what i am doing and why, and will feature my first test on the Minelab Manticore fitted with 9'' coil, next Video will follow the same pattern and will be a XP Deus 2 with 9'' coil, after that could be any random detector, once i have a couple of tests done then comparison's will start to be seen which make it a lot more interesting, i have over 100 coils to test also at the moment.
I was going to put it on the Website as well but apparently i need the ''Pro Version'' (which comes at a cost) to allow me to do this.
This has been a pattern though out really, ever twist and turn whilst making a Video someone want's a load of money off you even to do the simplest thing, and they are all advertised as 'free'
So to do it at zero cost (so far) it's probably taken me 4 times as long to construct it all.
The following link sound take you to it (who knows?)
Should be available at midnight tonight (if i've clicked all the correct buttons)
I wouldn't stop up !
Still not been out this year, Rotator cuff injury to my arm and dodgy hip.
Trying to get another video up and running but seems to be either raining or the local clay pigeon are in full swing , never noticed it normally but when you are trying to shoot a video (not a clay) then it is very noticeable on the play back!
So not surprisingly the next video (coming soon) will be the Deus 2 ,i am also 75% though the 3rd video , this will be the Tesoro Tejon, mainly because someone want's to buy it so i have fast tracked it.
having run the Tejon across the test bed today ( a detector some of us may have used back in the day) i found that we must have been leaving a lot of stuff in the ground, it was dire by today's standards.