I have used 5 pence's for this test, they are low conductive/small coins and are all obviously the same conductivity , if i use older coins then the conductivity level would most likely be inconsistent and also the sizes could vary, it then becomes an inaccurate test, fine for "one off's" but when i am test items at different depths they all have to be the same

Coins on edge are harder to find can the detector give a signal that is diggable

Cupro Nickel Crown-Very unlikely to find one of these, but give a good example of large low conductive target at depth

Cut Quarters of a Hammered penny
Very low conductivity /Very Small
All the ones on the test bed are the same conductivity level and same size

Hammered Threepence of Elizabeth 1st-1563 at 8'' should be an easy target for all detectors, or will it?