My new test bed is almost finished and currently has 82 targets on it
Several different categories make up the tests
Low Conductive Coins (17 tests)
Idea is to find how deep each detector will get a low conductive coin 5 Pence's , Cut quarter's and Hammered Elizabeth Threepence are used in this test , all the Cut quarter's have the same conductivity level
Coins are flat or on edge
High Conductive Coins (23 tests)
Idea is to find how deep each detector will get a high conductive coin George 111 Halfpennies (arguably the most common coin found), Also George 111 Cartwheel Pennies one of the largest coins to be found
All the Halfpennies have the same conductivity level as do the Cartwheel pennies.
Also involved are several milled Silver coins
Coins are flat or on edge , hopefully it will give you some idea what sort of signal a coin on edge will give (that's when i've done a video of course!)
Iron Tests (11 tests)
To see how each detector is able to find a target among iron and produce a diggable signal, also if the detector is able to reject iron buckles and horseshoes
Random Artifacts (7 tests)
To see how various artifacts at different depths are seen by each detector
Very low conductive items (15)
These are targets that most detectorists would ignore or not get in the first place, just shows the sensitivity of the detector to small very low conductive targets.
Hoards (3 tests)
How does the detector handle hoards? you may be surprised
Separation and ID (6 items)
Just to see how good the separation is on different detectors when targets of different metal are placed near by
Also if 2 targets of the same ID number can be separated (E.g a 20 pence and a Ring Pull) would the detector be able tell the difference?